Seems like ages since I last did an update. Hell, it is ages. Time flies when you’re having fu…err…editing. Still, there’s light at the end of the tunnel for Cruel Heart Broken: we’re nearly down to copy edits, and meanwhile I have all this yummy rock to consume – if I can bring myself to bite into it. So pretty!
And watch out on Usborne’s YA Shelfies tumblr on Monday for the full cover reveal. *makes eek noises* *gets funny looks from the dogs*
Meanwhile I had a fab time appearing and meeting up with other authors at YA Shot, held in Uxbridge at the end of October and organised by fellow YA author and general amazing lady Alexia Casale (you can check out her wonderful The Bone Dragon and House of Windows here).
I did a session on Crime and Punishment with fellow YA lovelies Keren David, Cat Clarke and Laura Jarratt, but there were dozens of other brilliant panels and workshops to attend. I know I speak for everyone when I say I had the best time, and really hope this is something that will be repeated every year.

Those boots I’m wearing above – I’m third from the left, in case you’re wondering – are the ones I tripped up in outside the Edinburgh Festival, resulting in two broken fingers. Now named the Boots of Doom. I don’t wear them often, for obvious reasons.
In other news, we have a new baby in the house. A furry one with four legs called Cyril, who arrived just before Xmas.
This is what he looked like when we picked him up from the marvellous Ferne Animal Sanctuary – he’d been found abandoned with his brother, poor soul. (He’s lying beside me, snoring, as I write.) Three weeks on he’s more of a gangly teenager, with an attitude to match, striking terror into the heart of our other two terriers and keeping the rest of us on our toes. When I track my camera, I’ll post more pics.
In the meantime, happy New Year!